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Having fun with wine and nibblies at John Crundall's 70th Birthday Party.Friday evening we gathered on the deck, rugged up, for a champagne toast and enjoying nibbles.

On the Saturday evening at Dinner Lou made a speech and presented John with small card – he thanked us all and there was a general good feeling going on… John thought he’d gotten away with turning 70 without too much fuss.

After dinner we settled back into the conference room and Ellen asked us all to prepare for meditation. On a sneaky count of three we all burst into “Happy Birthday” song. John was surprised, overjoyed. The air was crackling, the love pouring forth as John was then showered with gifts…

John presented with a small card.It began with Sandra presenting him with the book of photos that people had contributed and made a very touching speech… we were crying! He received a book filled with everyone’s Birthday wishes, memories of time together and expressions of love; a Gift Voucher for a paradise holiday to Lord Howe Island; a huge card with everyone’s names in it who had made a contribution and a lovely book of nature shots from Lord Howe to show him what to anticipate. By this stage John was clearly overwhelmed by the outpouring of Love, and the gratitude and Love in the room was enormous.

Tracey gifted him with a precious Crystal hanging and the story of generosity and healing behind it, and Pat gave him some precious wine as well… gifts, cards, jokes, tears, laughter, overwhelm; joy… an incredible celebration of an incredible man and his journey thus far…

THANK YOU, every single one of you, for your part in all of this.

Thank You John's 70th