(03) 9882 0733 info@usuireikicentre.com

Bicheno, Tasmania, Australia – 18th – 25th March 2023

Bicheno beach Tasmania

One of the greatest legacies brought to Reiki by Den was the opportunity for students and volunteers to gather together on Retreat, in the presence of nature and beauty.

This space takes us away from our “old” routine and into community… a place to expand and give rise to your imagination, breath to your Soul, and wings to your Spirit.

To walk beneath and between the giant fir trees, the gatekeepers of this sacred space and the gate way to the ocean, you step on the sand and instantly inhale and release the old world.

A New World Awaits…

Getting Started

“In your world…
There will be those who create the Nightmare, a Personal Nightmare,
and those that will create Mediocrity – Apathy & Mediocrity.
And there are those that will create the Dream.

And those that Consciously Participate…  Will Live the Dream.



You can print these out in advance or open them on your device

Joining Via Zoom

*All times in Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT) Melbourne Time


*To watch recorded sessions, click on the session number below (it will be BLUE when the session is available).


Day 1 Saturday 18th March 

Title: Welcome & Lighting Of The Altar

Duration: 40 mins

Title: Guided Meditation

Duration: 40 mins

Day 2 Sunday 19th March 

Title:  Initiation of soul and The 4th group – the map makers. (Commences with meditation)

Duration:  1hr 25mins

Title:  Relinquish & Release Control

Duration: 2hr 14mins

Title:  Sharing, Meditation & RII onself

Duration: 58 mins

Duration: 4mins

Title:  Finding Your Lines sharing

Duration:  45 mins

Title: Meditation

Duration: 1hr 5 mins

Day 3 Monday 20th March 

Title: Introduction to future self & conscious evolution

Duration: 1 hr 45 mins

Title: Be who you are becoming

Duration: 57 mins

Title: Sharing – FS and Be who you are becoming & Reiki II on another

Duration: 37 mins

Duration: 2 mins

Title: Sharing – Finding your lines

Duration: 1hr 40mins

Title: Sharing – Finding your lines. (concludes with a short blending commencing at 2hrs 10mins)

Duration: 2hrs 24mins

Day 4 Tuesday 21st March 

Title: Sharing – Relinquishing Control

Duration: 1hr 17mins

Title: Meditation – Time with Future Self

Duration: 1hr

Title: Meditation – Metamorphosis

Duration: 1hr

Title: Meditation

Duration: 51mins

Day 5 Wednesday 22nd March 

MovieLunana: A Yak in the Classroom

The penguins will be watching this in the evening, please try and locate a copy or a streaming service in your region to watch it

Day 6 Thursday 23rd March 

Title: Guided Meditation – Beginning in silence

Duration: 45mins

Title: Day Of Healing

Title: Meditation (audio cleans up for meditation)

Duration: 1hr 25mins

Day 7 Friday 24th March 

Title: Awakening In The Temple (commences in silence)

Duration: 22mins

Title: Unfamiliar senses & Be more of who I am becoming

Duration: 1hr 20mins

Title: Let go of control & Guess who’s coming to dinner

Duration: 2hr

Title: Meditation

Duration: 1hr 9mins

Day 8 Saturday 25th March 

Title: Meditation

Duration: 1hr 1min