(03) 9882 0733 info@usuireikicentre.com
walking path in a california redwood forest

December 2024

Refresh! Recharge! Renew!

A powerful new platform to go deeper and regain your rhythm as you lift to more. In this chaotic world, it is important to keep up with who you are becoming, see through new eyes & understand your world.

Each gathering is unique, and every time a powerful resonance is born, offering healing, magic, and miracles.  Lives change and new realities manifest.

Getting Started

A new experience of transformation!

Everything has changed… EVERYTHING has changed!

It is a different world, a different time and it’s time to come together and re-evaluate, re-assess who we are; to catch up with ‘Who we have Become’ and to fully embrace this beautiful new being.

It is time to transform and transcend the old ways of doing and the old ways of being… they aren’t working anymore and causing us pain and suffering trying to maintain the status quo of our old beliefs and attitudes.

There be a profound change going on in our world… a metamorphosis too. Allow a fresh start and the opportunity to look through new eyes. Let it all become clear.

This is going to be a magical weekend of Beauty, Healing & Love.


Let the Healing begin!


You can print these out in advance or open them on your device

Nine Steps For Mastering Emotions  (print for Saturday morning)

Friday 6th December 2024

Title: Welcome

Duration: 44mins

Title: Meditation

Duration: 1hr 8mins

Saturday 7th December 2024

Duration: 1hr 27mins

Duration: 53mins plus your nine step

Duration: 3hrs 14mins

Sunday 8th December 2024

Duration: 1hr 11mins

Title: Final Meditation

Duration: 2hr 7 mins