(03) 9882 0733 info@usuireikicentre.com

Muskoka, Canada 6th September – 12th September 2024

One of the greatest legacies brought to Reiki by Den was the opportunity for students and volunteers to gather together on Retreat, in the presence of nature and beauty.

This space takes us away from our “old” routine and into community… a place to expand and give rise to your imagination, breath to your Soul, and wings to your Spirit.

Come sit by the lake and watch the beauty of the sky, follow the trails through the trees and instantly inhale and release the old world.

A New World Awaits…

Getting Started

You are charting a new course against the changing backdrop, not of the past but of the future, against a new backdrop of unchartered futures and unchartered possibilities… futures and possibilities free of the scars.


Joining Via Zoom

*All times are Canada EDT — Eastern Daylight Time. Toronto Time

Day 1 Friday 6th September

Title: Welcome & Lighting Of The Altar

Duration:  48mins

The Altar

Title: Guided Meditation

Duration:  57mins

Day 2 Saturday 7th September

Title:  Growth & Change

Duration:  1hr 6mins

Title:  Sharing

Duration:  46mins

Title:  Meditation & Reiki II on self

Duration:  55mins plus your RII

Duration:  2mins

Title: Sharing The Lines

Duration:  2hrs 23mins

Title: Meditation

Duration:  53mins

Day 3 Sunday 8th September

Duration:  1hr

Title:  Sharing, Knocking down doors & unraveling

Duration:  1hr 27mins

Title:  Meditation & Reiki II on another

Duration:  37mins plus your Reiki II

Duration:  2mins

Title:  Sharing The Lines

Duration:  1hr 2mins

Title: Meditation

Duration:  1hr 8mins

Day 4 Monday 9th September

Duration:  1hr

Title:  Revealing the shackles & box

Duration:  1hr 28mins

Title:  What is the magician stirring inside you?

Duration:  1hr 07mins

Title:  Change and Growth & The Hero’s Journey

Duration:  1hr 34mins

Title:  Meditation

Duration:  52mins

Session #11

Movie Night – IF – After discovering she can see everyone’s imaginary friends, a girl embarks on a magical adventure to reconnect forgotten imaginary friends with their kids.

Watch the movie which can be found on Apple , Google or  Amazon. You will need to find the best source in your region. Please don’t share the title of the movie with someone on retreat, its a surprise shhhhh.

Day 5 Tuesday 10th September

Title: Meditation, commences in silence

Duration:  49mins

Session #13 (no video)

Title: Zoomers Day Of Healing

Duration:  4mins

Title: Meditation

Duration:  1hr 7mins

Day 6 Wednesday 11th September

Walking The Labyrinth

HandoutFinger Labyrinth

Title: Meditation, commences in silence

Duration:  26mins

Title: The journey & sharing

Duration:  1hr 53mins

Title: Who inspires you?

Duration:  24mins (does not include your activity)

Title: Sharing – Who inspires you?

Duration:  1hr 9mins

Title: Meditation

Duration:  59mins

Day 7 Thursday 12th September

Title: Final Meditation & Closing of the Altar

Duration:  59mins (commences in silence)