(03) 9882 0733 info@usuireikicentre.com
walking path in a california redwood forest

Toronto Usui Reiki Group

In 1995, inspired by Reiki Masters Denise and John Crundall and their Centre in Melbourne, Australia, the Toronto Usui Reiki Centre opened, offering the community a place to heal, learn, volunteer and expand to become more of who we truly are and to inspire people to heal in a new way.

While the centre no longer has a physical building, it continues through its many classes, workshops and retreats, to offer the community opportunities of going to a greater depth of understanding of self, another and the world, and taking responsibility for our part in it.

Up Coming Events

Muskoka Retreat Canada, Bayview Wildwood Resort (North of Toronto)

The changing colour of fall in this corner of the world, is breathtaking. Reflections of absolute beauty inspire and delight as we take this opportunity to pause and gather sustenance. Join us to sow seeds of the future that will bear fruit in spring, or just throw a pebble into the lake and watch the ripples grow; A time to dream.

September 2024 – Still available to complete on line at your own pace Click here to register.

Next Retreat September 19th – 25th 2025, (hold the dates).

The Toronto Usui Reiki Group is run by a group of volunteers dedicated to healing, offering Reiki treatments by donation.

Reiki classes, workshops, meditation and retreats are also available to expand your ability to heal. Become a part of this amazing journey and let the healing begin!


Toronto Usui Reiki Group

Phone: 416 806 5221
